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Guest Book
Name: CHAS Date: 02/28/2008 Message: HI! I JUST WANTED Y0U T0 TELL Y0UR DAUGHTER THANK Y0U F0R BEING A S0LDIER & FIGHTING F0R 0UR C0UNTRY.MAY G0D BLESS,LEAD & GUIDE HER IN ALL THAT SHE D0ES & BRING HER H0ME SAFE & S0UND.I D0N'T SUPP0RT THE WAR,BUT I M0ST DEFINITELY SUPP0RT & RESPECT 0UR S0LDIERS! & I PRAY WHILE THEY ARE IN IRAQ THEY ARE C0VERED IN THE EMBRACE 0F G0D! & BR0UGHT H0ME SAFELY IN HIS GRACE!.MAY G0D WATCH 0VER & BLESS Y0UR DAUGHTER & FAMILY!I WILL ALWAYS PRAY F0R 0UR S0LDIERS & F0R ALL 0F THEIR RETURN H0ME. Name: Mona Date: 02/02/2008 Message: Mrs. Franco: It was a pleasure meeting you today and meeting Pickles. My niece already loves him. He is absolutely gorgeous. As I mentioned earlier, I also proudly served in the United States Army for three years but after leaving my 4 mo old son with my mother for a year while I went to Korea, I decided I would like to serve my country in a different way. I feel honored that the United States Border Patrol allowed me to work for them because I really love my job. I want to tell you that I admire you for being so supportive of your daughter and our troops. Your family will be in my prayers and I am sure God will keep your daughter safe so she can comeback to the ones that love her. Name: Gloria Date: 01/14/2008 Message: I think your puppies are beautiful. But they arn't the reason I'm writing to you. My husband just came home from Iraq. He's also in the US Army. I know it was tough when he left being a wife. But I couldn't imagine one of our girls going over there. Your a very Brave and Supportive Mother. And your daughter and family will be in my thoughts. Keep positive. And could you please tell your daughter Thank You. And Thank You to your family. I hope time goes fast so she will be home soon. Name: Makenzie anderson Date: 01/04/2008 Message: THEY are SO CUTE!!!!! Name: lesli Date: 01/01/2008 Message: Miss Sandra, I was feeling sorry for myself this morning as my 15 yr old Cocker Spaniel's ( "Taffe" ) health is failing very steadily and by no means do I wish her to suffer or be in pain, but selfishly I don't want to lose my ole friend either. This has been the WORST year ever in our household as I have battled Cancer 3 times in the last eighteen months while my daughter battles an incurable lung disease that is actually fatal. I am not sharing this for sympathy only as a preface as to how I found you! I get such joy from babies & puppies (who doesn't?) so for a dose of happiness. I googled puppy kennels or something.anyway I came up with a site that eventually led me to a picture of one of your current puppies, I then went to your site with a smile!!!! I too have a military connection. My husband is retired military and currently works as a civilian contracted employee for the military. My daughter's best friend is currently serving in Iraq on his first tour and so is her boyfriend's brother. My nephew just returned safe and sound from tour number two. So not only did the puppies bring a smile to my face, as I am in love with "Nana" already, but it also made me depart from my pity party and remember that I am safe in "Free America" because of moms like you who sacrifice each day while their children/loved ones are away fighting for our freedom. THANK YOU! Your site is great! I have bookmarked and will return regularly!!! My best to you and your daughter, you both are great inspirations and have truly made my day! HERE'S TO A GREAT 2008 WITH HEALTH, HAPPINESS, & SAFE RETURNS! Lesli Name: monica Date: 12/20/2007 Message: Hi Sandra, Hope everyone is doing O.K. We think of you often. David and I and Honey wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Love and Hugs and Kisses, Monica, David & HONEY......OXOXOXO Name: Rita Allen Date: 12/06/2007 Message: Dear Sandra, Merry Christmas! This is Rita Allen, who adopted Lulu in August 2006. I'm still begging my husband big time to buy another dog because we love Lulu so much! My daughter's Girl Scout troop wants to make gift packages for women soldiers and I remembered your daughter. (I visit you site from time to time because I love looking at the new puppies.) Can you give us Jackie's address or can we send it to you? Is there anything special that she would like? Please let me know soon because they want to do this activity this Sunday, December 9th. Thank you very much. A picture of Lulu is attached. Best regards, Rita Allen Name: Jim Hutchinson Date: 11/30/2007 Message: Very cute puppies. A few remind me of my little Pork Chop. He died recently after his sub-clinical hydrocephaly became clinical. Good luck to and God bless your daughter and the rest of your family. Army life can be tough. Jackie will be in my prayers. Name: Annie's mom Date: 09/14/2007 Message: GOD bless your daughter and our heart felt prayers for her safe return. Also, for having a strong MAMA (yes you Sandra). Now, I want to thank you for Annie. She is exactly what this family was looking for. She knows her name, "sit", "stay" and "come". Annie came in a cutest ALL pink crate, blanket, food, and water. As soon as we opened the crate she was so adorable and extremely affectionate. We will definitely look to Sandra when we decide to purchase another puppy. Annie is doing great loves and loves her PINK crate. With much love, Costanzo family, Staten Island, NY Name: patsy Date: 05/23/2007 Message: I did not expect to cry looking for a puppy! Your web page is awesome! I am a single Mother of three beautiful girls - and seeing your baby in a uniform with the song- just melted my heart! Pride filled my heart and I don't even know her, you must be one proud Mom- tell her a stranger from Dallas said thanks for all of the hard work and she should feel very proud of herself- a positive role model for other little girl's to look up to. Thank you for putting her on there. Patsy Salinas | ![]() |